Source code for fantastico.contrib.roa_discovery.roa_controller

Copyright 2013 Cosnita Radu Viorel

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


.. codeauthor:: Radu Viorel Cosnita <>
.. py:module:: fantastico.contrib.roa_discovery.roa_controller
from fantastico import mvc
from fantastico.contrib.roa_discovery import roa_helper
from fantastico.exceptions import FantasticoDbError
from fantastico.mvc.base_controller import BaseController
from fantastico.mvc.controller_decorators import ControllerProvider, Controller, \
from fantastico.mvc.model_facade import ModelFacade
from fantastico.mvc.models.model_filter import ModelFilter
from fantastico.mvc.models.model_filter_compound import ModelFilterAnd
from fantastico.oauth2.exceptions import OAuth2UnauthorizedError, OAuth2Error
from fantastico.roa.query_parser import QueryParser
from fantastico.roa.resource_json_serializer import ResourceJsonSerializer
from fantastico.roa.resources_registry import ResourcesRegistry
from fantastico.roa.roa_exceptions import FantasticoRoaError
from fantastico.settings import SettingsFacade
from fantastico.utils.dictionary_object import DictionaryObject
from webob.response import Response
import json

[docs]class RoaController(BaseController): '''This class provides dynamic routes for ROA registered resources. All CRUD operations are supported out of the box. In addition error handling is automatically provided by this controller.''' SETTINGS_FACADE = SettingsFacade() ROA_API = roa_helper.normalize_absolute_roa_uri(SETTINGS_FACADE.get("roa_api")) BASE_URL = r"%s/(?P<version>\d{1,}\.\d{1,})(?P<resource_url>/[^/]*?)" % ROA_API BASE_LATEST_URL = "%s/latest(?P<resource_url>/[^/]*?)" % ROA_API OFFSET_DEFAULT = 0 LIMIT_DEFAULT = 100 def __init__(self, settings_facade, resources_registry_cls=ResourcesRegistry, model_facade_cls=ModelFacade, conn_manager=mvc, json_serializer_cls=ResourceJsonSerializer, query_parser_cls=QueryParser): super(RoaController, self).__init__(settings_facade) self._resources_registry = resources_registry_cls() self._model_facade_cls = model_facade_cls self._conn_manager = conn_manager self._json_serializer_cls = json_serializer_cls self._query_parser_cls = query_parser_cls doc_base = "%sfeatures/roa/errors/" % self._settings_facade.get("doc_base") self._errors_url = doc_base + "error_%s.html" self._roa_api = self._settings_facade.get("roa_api") def _parse_filter(self, filter_expr, model): '''This method parse a string filter expression and builds a compatible ModelFilter.''' if not filter_expr: return None query_parser = self._query_parser_cls() return query_parser.parse_filter(filter_expr, model) def _parse_sort(self, sort_expr, model): '''This method parse a string sort expression and builds a compatible ModelSort.''' if not sort_expr: return None query_parser = self._query_parser_cls() return query_parser.parse_sort(sort_expr, model) def _build_error_response(self, http_code, error_code, error_description, error_details): '''This method builds an error response compliant with :doc:`/features/roa/rest_responses` specification.''' error = {"error_code": error_code, "error_description": error_description, "error_details": error_details} response = Response(text=json.dumps(error), status_code=http_code, content_type="application/json") self._add_cors_headers(response) return response def _handle_resource_notfound(self, version, url): '''This method build a resource not found response which is sent to the client. You can find more information about error responses format on :doc:`/features/roa/rest_responses`''' error_code = 10000 return self._build_error_response(http_code=404, error_code=error_code, error_description="Resource %s version %s does not exist." % (url, version), error_details=self._errors_url % error_code) def _handle_resource_item_notfound(self, version, url, resource_id): '''This method build a resource not found response which is sent to the client. You can find more information about error responses format on :doc:`/features/roa/rest_responses`. In the error description it also contains resource id.''' error_code = 10040 return self._build_error_response(http_code=404, error_code=error_code, error_description="Resource %s version %s id %s does not exist." % \ (url, version, resource_id), error_details=self._errors_url % error_code) def _handle_resource_invalid(self, version, url, ex): '''This method builds a resource invalid response which is sent to the client.''' error_code = 10010 return self._build_error_response(http_code=ex.http_code, error_code=error_code, error_description="Resource %s version %s is invalid: %s" % \ (url, version, str(ex)), error_details=self._errors_url % error_code) def _handle_resource_nobody(self, version, url): '''This method builds a resource nobody given response which is sent to the client.''' error_code = 10020 return self._build_error_response(http_code=400, error_code=error_code, error_description="Resource %s version %s can not be created: no body given." % \ (url, version), error_details=self._errors_url % error_code) def _handle_resource_dberror(self, version, url, dbex): '''This method builds a resource dberror response which is sent to the client.''' error_code = 10030 return self._build_error_response(http_code=400, error_code=error_code, error_description="Resource %s version %s db exception: %s." % \ (url, version, str(dbex)), error_details=self._errors_url % error_code) def _get_current_connection(self, request): '''This method returns the current db connection for this request.''' return self._conn_manager.CONN_MANAGER.get_connection(request.request_id) def _trim_resource_url(self, resource_url): '''This method removes traling slash from resource url.''' if resource_url[-1] == "/": resource_url = resource_url[:-1] if resource_url[0] != "/": resource_url = "/%s" % resource_url return resource_url def _add_cors_headers(self, response): '''This method add cors headers to a given respones.''' response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "OPTIONS,GET,POST,PUT,DELETE" @Controller(url=BASE_URL + "$", method="GET")
[docs] def get_collection(self, request, version, resource_url): '''This method provides the route for accessing a resource collection. :doc:`/features/roa/rest_standard` for collections are enabled by this method. The typical response format is presented below: .. code-block:: javascript var response = {"items": [ // resources represented as json objects. ], "totalItems": 100} If a resource is not found or the resource version does not exist the following response is returned: .. code-block:: javascript {"error_code": 10000, "error_description": "Resource %s version %s does not exist.", "error_details": ""} ''' if version != "latest": version = float(version) params = CollectionParams(request, RoaController.OFFSET_DEFAULT, RoaController.LIMIT_DEFAULT) resource = self._resources_registry.find_by_url(resource_url, version) if not resource: return self._handle_resource_notfound(version, resource_url) self._inject_security_context(request, resource.model) access_token = self.validate_security_context(request, "read") json_serializer = self._json_serializer_cls(resource) filter_expr = self._parse_filter(params.filter_expr, resource.model) if resource.user_dependent: if filter_expr: filter_expr = ModelFilterAnd(filter_expr, ModelFilter(resource.model.user_id, access_token.user_id, ModelFilter.EQ)) else: filter_expr = ModelFilter(resource.model.user_id, access_token.user_id, ModelFilter.EQ) sort_expr = self._parse_sort(params.order_expr, resource.model) model_facade = self._model_facade_cls(resource.model, self._get_current_connection(request)) models = model_facade.get_records_paged(start_record=params.offset, end_record=params.offset + params.limit, filter_expr=filter_expr, sort_expr=sort_expr) items = [json_serializer.serialize(model, params.fields) for model in models] if resource.validator: resource.validator().format_collection(items, request) models_count = model_facade.count_records(filter_expr=filter_expr) body = {"items": items, "totalItems": models_count} response = Response(text=json.dumps(body), content_type="application/json", status_code=200) self._add_cors_headers(response) return response
@Controller(url=BASE_LATEST_URL + "$", method="GET")
[docs] def get_collection_latest(self, request, resource_url): '''This method retrieves a resource collection using the latest version of the api.''' return self.get_collection(request, "latest", self._trim_resource_url(resource_url))
@Controller(url=[BASE_URL + "$", BASE_URL + "/(?P<resource_id>.*?)$"], method="OPTIONS") # pylint: disable=W0613 @CorsEnabled()
[docs] def handle_resource_options(self, request, version, resource_url, **kwargs): '''This method enables support for http ajax CORS requests. This is mandatory if we want to host apis on different domains than project host.''' pass
@Controller(url=[BASE_LATEST_URL + "$", BASE_LATEST_URL + "/(?P<resource_id>.*?)$"], method="OPTIONS")
[docs] def handle_resource_options_latest(self, request, resource_url, **kwargs): '''This method handles OPTIONS http requests for ROA api latest versions.''' return self.handle_resource_options(request, "latest", self._trim_resource_url(resource_url), **kwargs)
def _validate_resource(self, resource, request, request_body, existing_resource_id=None): '''This method is used to validate the resource. If the resource validation fails an error response is sent. Otherwise the newly validated model is returned.''' if not request_body: return self._handle_resource_nobody(resource.version, resource.url) model = self._json_serializer_cls(resource).deserialize(request_body.decode()) action = "create" if existing_resource_id: action = "update" self._inject_security_context(request, model) self.validate_security_context(request, action) if not resource.validator: return model try: resource.validator().validate(model, request, existing_resource_id) except FantasticoRoaError as ex: return self._handle_resource_invalid(resource.version, resource.url, ex) return model @Controller(url=BASE_URL + "/(?P<resource_id>.*?)$", method="GET")
[docs] def get_item(self, request, version, resource_url, resource_id): '''This method provides the API for retrieving a single item from a collection. The item is uniquely identified by resource_id. Below you can find a success response example: .. code-block:: html GET - /api/1.0/simple-resources/1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: ... { "id": 1, "name": "Test resource", "description": "Simple description" } Of course there are cases when exceptions might occur. Below, you can find a list of error response retrieved from get_item API: * **10000** - Whenever we try to retrieve a resource with unknown type. (Not registered to ROA). * **10030** - Whenever we try to retrieve a resource and an unexpected database exception occurs. * **10040** - Whenever we try to retrieve a resource which does not exist. ''' if version != "latest": version = float(version) fields = request.params.get("fields") resource = self._resources_registry.find_by_url(resource_url, version) if not resource: return self._handle_resource_notfound(version, resource_url) self._inject_security_context(request, resource.model) access_token = self.validate_security_context(request, "read") model_facade = self._model_facade_cls(resource.model, self._get_current_connection(request)) try: model = model_facade.find_by_pk({model_facade.model_pk_cols[0]: resource_id}) if not self._is_model_owned_by(model, access_token, resource): model = None except FantasticoDbError as dbex: return self._handle_resource_dberror(version, resource_url, dbex) if not model: return self._handle_resource_item_notfound(version, resource_url, resource_id) json_serializer = self._json_serializer_cls(resource) resource_body = json_serializer.serialize(model, fields) if resource.validator and model: resource.validator().format_resource(DictionaryObject(resource_body, immutable=False), request) resource_body = json.dumps(resource_body) response = Response(body=resource_body.encode(), content_type="application/json", status_code=200) self._add_cors_headers(response) return response
@Controller(url=BASE_LATEST_URL + "/(?P<resource_id>.*?)$", method="GET")
[docs] def get_item_latest(self, request, resource_url, resource_id): '''This method provides the latest get_item route for ROA api.''' return self.get_item(request, "latest", self._trim_resource_url(resource_url), resource_id)
@Controller(url=BASE_URL + "$", method="POST")
[docs] def create_item(self, request, version, resource_url): '''This method provides the route for adding new resources into an existing collection. The API is json only and invoke the validator as described in ROA spec. Usually, when a resource is created successfully a similar answer is returned to the client: .. code-block:: html 201 Created Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 0 Location: /api/2.0/app-settings/123 Below you can find all error response codes which might be returned when creating a new resource: * **10000** - Whenever we try to create a resource with unknown type. (Not registered to ROA). * **10010** - Whenever we try to create a resource which fails validation. * **10020** - Whenever we try to create a resource without passing a valid body. * **10030** - Whenever we try to create a resource and an unexpected database exception occurs. You can find more information about typical REST ROA APIs response on :doc:`/features/roa/rest_responses`.''' if version != "latest": version = float(version) resource = self._resources_registry.find_by_url(resource_url, version) if not resource: return self._handle_resource_notfound(version, resource_url) model = self._validate_resource(resource, request, request.body) access_token = if isinstance(model, Response): return model try: if resource.user_dependent and access_token: model.user_id = access_token.user_id if resource.validator: resource.validator().on_pre_create(model, request) model_facade = self._model_facade_cls(resource.model, self._get_current_connection(request)) model_id = model_facade.create(model)[0] if resource.validator: resource.validator().on_post_create(model, request) except FantasticoDbError as dbex: return self._handle_resource_dberror(resource.version, resource.url, dbex) model_location = roa_helper.calculate_resource_url(self._roa_api, resource, version) model_location += "/%s" % model_id response = Response(status_code=201, content_type="application/json") self._add_cors_headers(response) response.headers["Location"] = model_location return response
@Controller(url=BASE_LATEST_URL + "$", method="POST")
[docs] def create_item_latest(self, request, resource_url): '''This method provides create item latest API version.''' return self.create_item(request, "latest", self._trim_resource_url(resource_url))
@Controller(url=BASE_URL + "/(?P<resource_id>.*?)$", method="PUT")
[docs] def update_item(self, request, version, resource_url, resource_id): '''This method provides the route for updating existing resources from an existing collection. The API is json only and invokes the validator as described in ROA spec. Usually, when a resource is update successfully a similar answer is returned to the client: .. code-block:: html 204 No Content Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 0 Below you can find all error response codes which might be returned when creating a new resource: * **10000** - Whenever we try to update a resource with unknown type. (Not registered to ROA). * **10010** - Whenever we try to update a resource which fails validation. * **10020** - Whenever we try to update a resource without passing a valid body. * **10030** - Whenever we try to update a resource and an unexpected database exception occurs. * **10040** - Whenever we try to update a resource which does not exist. You can find more information about typical REST ROA APIs response on :doc:`/features/roa/rest_responses`.''' if version != "latest": version = float(version) resource = self._resources_registry.find_by_url(resource_url, version) if not resource: return self._handle_resource_notfound(version, resource_url) model = self._validate_resource(resource, request, request.body, resource_id) if isinstance(model, Response): return model access_token = model_facade = self._model_facade_cls(resource.model, self._get_current_connection(request)) pk_col = model_facade.model_pk_cols[0] try: existing_model = model_facade.find_by_pk({pk_col: resource_id}) if not existing_model or not self._is_model_owned_by(existing_model, access_token, resource): return self._handle_resource_item_notfound(version, resource_url, resource_id) setattr(model,, resource_id) if resource.validator: resource.validator().on_pre_update(model, request) model_facade.update(model) if resource.validator: resource.validator().on_post_update(model, request) except FantasticoDbError as dbex: return self._handle_resource_dberror(resource.version, resource.url, dbex) response = Response(content_type="application/json", status_code=204) self._add_cors_headers(response) return response
@Controller(url=BASE_LATEST_URL + "/(?P<resource_id>.*?)$", method="PUT")
[docs] def update_item_latest(self, request, resource_url, resource_id): '''This is the route handler for latest update existing item api.''' return self.update_item(request, "latest", self._trim_resource_url(resource_url), resource_id)
@Controller(url=BASE_URL + "/(?P<resource_id>.*?)$", method="DELETE")
[docs] def delete_item(self, request, version, resource_url, resource_id): '''This method provides the route for deleting existing resources from an existing collection. The API is json only. Usually, when a resource is deleted successfully a similar answer is returned to the client: .. code-block:: html 204 No Content Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 0 Below you can find all error response codes which might be returned when creating a new resource: * **10000** - Whenever we try to delete a resource with unknown type. (Not registered to ROA). * **10030** - Whenever we try to delete a resource and an unexpected database exception occurs. * **10040** - Whenever we try to delete a resource which does not exist. You can find more information about typical REST ROA APIs response on :doc:`/features/roa/rest_responses`.''' if version != "latest": version = float(version) resource = self._resources_registry.find_by_url(resource_url, version) if not resource: return self._handle_resource_notfound(version, resource_url) self._inject_security_context(request, resource.model) access_token = self.validate_security_context(request, "delete") try: model_facade = self._model_facade_cls(resource.model, self._get_current_connection(request)) pk_col = model_facade.model_pk_cols[0] existing_model = model_facade.find_by_pk({pk_col: resource_id}) if not self._is_model_owned_by(existing_model, access_token, resource): existing_model = None if not existing_model: return self._handle_resource_item_notfound(version, resource_url, resource_id) if resource.validator: resource.validator().on_pre_delete(existing_model, request) model_facade.delete(existing_model) if resource.validator: resource.validator().on_post_delete(existing_model, request) except FantasticoDbError as dbex: return self._handle_resource_dberror(version, resource_url, dbex) response = Response(content_type="application/json", status_code=204) self._add_cors_headers(response) return response
@Controller(url=BASE_LATEST_URL + "/(?P<resource_id>.*?)$", method="DELETE")
[docs] def delete_item_latest(self, request, resource_url, resource_id): '''This method provides the functionality for delete item latest version api route.''' return self.delete_item(request, "latest", self._trim_resource_url(resource_url), resource_id)
[docs] def validate_security_context(self, request, attr_scope): '''This method triggers security context validation and converts unexpected exceptions to OAuth2UnauthorizedError. If everything is fine this method return the access_token from security context.''' security_ctx = if not attr_scope: return try: if not security_ctx.validate_context(attr_scope): raise OAuth2UnauthorizedError("Security context insufficient scopes.") except OAuth2Error: raise except Exception as ex: raise OAuth2UnauthorizedError("Security context validation failed: %s" % str(ex)) return security_ctx.access_token
def _inject_security_context(self, request, resource_model): '''This method enrich the current security context with required scopes (if necessary).''' if not hasattr(resource_model, "get_required_scopes"): return required_scopes_obj = resource_model.get_required_scopes() required_scopes_obj.inject_scopes_in_security(request) def _is_model_owned_by(self, model, access_token, resource): '''This method is used to detect if a given model can be accessed using the access token. If the resource is not user dependent this method always returns true.''' if resource.user_dependent: if model.user_id == access_token.user_id: return True return False return True
class CollectionParams(object): '''This object defines the structure for get_collection supported query parameters.''' @property def offset(self): '''This property returns offset provided in the request.''' return self._offset @property def limit(self): '''This property returns limit provided in the request.''' return self._limit @property def filter_expr(self): '''This property returns **filter** query parameter received by collection.''' return self._filter @property def order_expr(self): '''This property returns **order** query parameter received by collection.''' return self._order @property def fields(self): '''This property returns **fields** query parameter received by collection.''' return self._fields def __init__(self, request, offset_default, limit_default): self._offset = request.params.get("offset", offset_default) if isinstance(self._offset, str): self._offset = int(self._offset) self._limit = request.params.get("limit", limit_default) if isinstance(self._limit, str): self._limit = int(self._limit) self._filter = request.params.get("filter") self._order = request.params.get("order") if self._order: self._order = "[\"%s\"]" % self._order self._order = json.loads(self._order) self._fields = request.params.get("fields")