Controllers security

Regular controllers security

In general, you will want to secure your controllers (MVC How to) using OAuth2. In addition, for some controllers (e.g UI Controllers) you will want to tell Fantastico to redirect automatically to login screen rather than returning an 401 Unauthorized error. Below you can find a very simple example of a ui controller which automatically redirects user to login screen in order to obtain access:

class SecuredController(BaseController):
    @RequiredScopes(scopes=["greet.verbose", ""])
    def say_hello(self, request):
        return "<html><body><h1>Hello world</body></html>"

The order in which decorators are chained is extremely important because RequiredScopes append an attribute to security context while Controller triggers security context validation.

ROA OAUTH2 Security

ROA (ROA (Resource Oriented Architecture)) resource can be easily secured using OAuth2 as shown below:

@Resource(name="app-setting", url="/app-settings", version=1.0)
class AppSetting(BASEMODEL):
    id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    name = Column("name", String(50), unique=True, nullable=False)
    value = Column("value", Text, nullable=False)

    def __init__(self, name, value): = name
        self.value = value

This is an extremely convenient way to secure a resource. In addition, each argument from @Resource constructor is optional. For instance, if read is not given any scope then everyone can read AppSetting resources.

Fantastico will autodiscover endpoints / resources which require scopes and preauthorize every call to them.