REST API standard

In this document you can find the standard behavior imposed for Resource generated apis (ROA (Resource Oriented Architecture)). For better understanding how APIs will behave let’s assume we have the following resource defined:

@Resource(name="app-setting", url="/app-settings", version=2.0)
class AppSettingV2(BASEMODEL):
    __tablename__ = "app_settings"

    id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    name = Column("name", String(80), unique=True, nullable=False)
    value = Column("value", Text, nullable=False)

    def __init__(self, name, value): = name
        self.value = value

Resource collection

Each resource will have an API entry point which lists all available resources of same type (e.g AppSettingV2). This entry point supports the following additional operations:

  • Pagination of resources.
  • Sorting of resources.
  • Filtering of resources.

The main entry point for AppSettingV2 collection of resources is /api/2.0/app-settings.

HTTP Verb URL Description
GET /api/2.0/app-settings?offset=0&limit=100 Get the first 100 settings.
GET /api/2.0/app-settings?order=desc(name) Order settings by name (descending).
GET /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=<complex filter> See Filtering.
POST /api/2.0/app-settings Create a new custom setting


When requesting a given resource collection sorted you can specify the sorting criteria:

  • order - Containing asc / desc function calls.

  • asc - is a function with one argument which tells API an ascending order by given attribute.

    // retrieve all application settings ascending ordered by name
    var url = "/api/2.0/app-settings?order=asc(name)";
  • desc - is a function with one argument which tells API a descending order by given attribute.

    // retrieve all application settings ordered descending ordered by value.
    var url = "/api/2.0/app-settings?order=desc(value)";

A possible result for AppSettingV2 collection retrieval (/api/2.0/app-settings?order=desc(name)) looks like:

      [{"id": 2, "name": "vat", "value": 0.19},
       {"id": 1, "name": "default_locale", "value": "en_US"}],
   "totalItems": 1000


In fantastico, APIs filtering is done by following a very simple Resource Query Language (RQL):

HTTP Verb URL Description
GET /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=eq(name, “vat”) Get all settings named vat.
GET /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=like(name, “%vat%”) Get all settings which name contains vat.
GET /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=gt(value, 0.19) Get all settings which have value greater than 0.19.
GET /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=ge(value, 0.19) Get all settings which have value greater / equals than / with 0.19.
GET /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=lt(value, 0.19) Get all settings which have value less than 0.19.
GET /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=le(value, 0.19) Get all settings which have value less / equals than / with 0.19.
GET /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=in(name, [“vat”, “default_locale”]) Get all settings which name is vat or default_locale.
GET /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=and(eq(name, “vat”), eq(value, “en_US”)) Get all settings which name is vat and value is en_US.
GET /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=or(eq(name, “vat”), eq(value, “en_US”)) Get all settings which name is vat or value is en_US.

You can see in the above example that the query language supported by Fantastico APIs facilitate very complex filtering on resources.

Resource item

A collection is composed of multiple items (same resource type). You can used individual item endpoints in order to:

  1. Update an existing item.
  2. Delete an existing item.
HTTP Verb URL Description
POST /api/2.0/app-settings Create a new application setting.
PUT /api/2.0/app-settings/1 Update application setting uniquely identified by id 1.
DELETE /api/2.0/app-settings/1 Delete application setting uniquely identified by id 1.

Create a new item

In order to create a new resource (e.g application setting resource) you must use the collection entry point and do a POST request:

POST /api/2.0/app-settings
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 49

{"name": "default_user_locale", "value": "en_US"}

Update an existing item

In order to update an default_locale application setting resource you must do the following request:

PUT /api/2.0/app-settings/1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 44

{"name": "default_locale", "value": "ro_RO"}

Of course partial requests are also supported:

PUT /api/2.0/app-settings/1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 18

{"value": "ro_RO"}

It is recommended to send the minimum amount of data to the API in order to optimize your application.

Delete an existing item

Delete requests are pretty simple as they do not have any body in the response.