REST API standard ================= In this document you can find the standard behavior imposed for Resource generated apis (:doc:`/features/roa`). For better understanding how APIs will behave let's assume we have the following resource defined: .. code-block:: python @Resource(name="app-setting", url="/app-settings", version=2.0) class AppSettingV2(BASEMODEL): __tablename__ = "app_settings" id = Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) name = Column("name", String(80), unique=True, nullable=False) value = Column("value", Text, nullable=False) def __init__(self, name, value): = name self.value = value Resource collection ------------------- Each resource will have an API entry point which lists all available resources of same type (e.g **AppSettingV2**). This entry point supports the following additional operations: * Pagination of resources. * Sorting of resources. * Filtering of resources. The main entry point for **AppSettingV2** collection of resources is **/api/2.0/app-settings**. +---------------+-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | **HTTP Verb** | **URL** | **Description** | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | GET | /api/2.0/app-settings?offset=0&limit=100 | Get the first 100 settings. | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | GET | /api/2.0/app-settings?order=desc(name) | Order settings by name (descending). | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | GET | /api/2.0/app-settings?filter= | See :ref:`roa-filtering`. | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | POST | /api/2.0/app-settings | Create a new custom setting | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ Pagination ~~~~~~~~~~ When requesting a given resource collection a subset of this collection will be retrived. * **offset** - defines which is the start record of the API. (Default value is 0) * **limit** - defines the maximum number of items I want to retrieve. (Default value is 10) A possible result for **AppSettingV2** collection retrieval looks like: .. code-block:: javascript { "items": [{"id": 1, "name": "default_locale", "value": "en_US"}, {"id": 2, "name": "vat", "value": 0.19}], "totalItems": 1000 } Sorting ~~~~~~~ When requesting a given resource collection sorted you can specify the sorting criteria: * **order** - Containing asc / desc function calls. * **asc** - is a function with one argument which tells API an ascending order by given attribute. .. code-block:: javascript // retrieve all application settings ascending ordered by name var url = "/api/2.0/app-settings?order=asc(name)"; * **desc** - is a function with one argument which tells API a descending order by given attribute. .. code-block:: javascript // retrieve all application settings ordered descending ordered by value. var url = "/api/2.0/app-settings?order=desc(value)"; A possible result for **AppSettingV2** collection retrieval (**/api/2.0/app-settings?order=desc(name)**) looks like: .. code-block:: javascript { "items": [{"id": 2, "name": "vat", "value": 0.19}, {"id": 1, "name": "default_locale", "value": "en_US"}], "totalItems": 1000 } .. _roa-filtering: Filtering ~~~~~~~~~ In fantastico, APIs filtering is done by following a very simple Resource Query Language (RQL): +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **HTTP Verb** | **URL** | **Description** | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=eq(name, "vat") | Get all settings named **vat**. | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=like(name, "%vat%") | Get all settings which name contains **vat**. | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=gt(value, 0.19) | Get all settings which have value greater than **0.19**. | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=ge(value, 0.19) | Get all settings which have value greater / equals than / with **0.19**. | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=lt(value, 0.19) | Get all settings which have value less than **0.19**. | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=le(value, 0.19) | Get all settings which have value less / equals than / with **0.19**. | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=in(name, ["vat", "default_locale"]) | Get all settings which name is **vat** or **default_locale**. | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=and(eq(name, "vat"), eq(value, "en_US")) | Get all settings which name is **vat** and value is **en_US**. | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /api/2.0/app-settings?filter=or(eq(name, "vat"), eq(value, "en_US")) | Get all settings which name is **vat** or value is **en_US**. | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You can see in the above example that the query language supported by Fantastico APIs facilitate very complex filtering on resources. Resource item ------------- A collection is composed of multiple items (same resource type). You can used individual item endpoints in order to: #. Update an existing item. #. Delete an existing item. +---------------+-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | **HTTP Verb** | **URL** | **Description** | +---------------+-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | POST | /api/2.0/app-settings | Create a new application setting. | +---------------+-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | PUT | /api/2.0/app-settings/1 | Update application setting uniquely identified by **id** 1. | +---------------+-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | DELETE | /api/2.0/app-settings/1 | Delete application setting uniquely identified by **id** 1. | +---------------+-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ Create a new item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to create a new resource (e.g application setting resource) you must use the collection entry point and do a POST request: .. code-block:: html POST /api/2.0/app-settings Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 49 {"name": "default_user_locale", "value": "en_US"} Update an existing item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to update an default_locale application setting resource you must do the following request: .. code-block:: html PUT /api/2.0/app-settings/1 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 44 {"name": "default_locale", "value": "ro_RO"} Of course partial requests are also supported: .. code-block:: html PUT /api/2.0/app-settings/1 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 18 {"value": "ro_RO"} It is recommended to send the minimum amount of data to the API in order to optimize your application. Delete an existing item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Delete requests are pretty simple as they do not have any body in the response.