Low usage (simplest scenario) ============================= .. image:: /images/deployment/low_usage_all_in_one.png Above diagram described the simplest scenario for rolling out Fantastico to production. You can use this scenario for minimalistic web applications like: * Presentation website * Personal website * Blog We usually recommend to start with this deployment scenario and the migrate to more complex scenarios when you application requires it. +----------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Advantages | Disadvantages | +================================================================+===============================================================+ | Extremely easy to deploy | Does not scale well for more than couple of requests / second | +----------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Minimal os configuration | All components are bundled on one node without any failover. | +----------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Automatic scripts for configuring the os | Does not support vertical scaling out of the box. | +----------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Easy to achieve horizontal scaling for all components at once. | Static files are not served from a cdn. | +----------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ Setup ----- #. Install Fantastico framework on the production machine (:doc:`/get_started/installation`.). #. Goto $FANTASTICO_ROOT #. export ROOT_PASSWD= #. fantastico_setup_low_usage_ --vhost-name --uwsgi-port --root-folder --modules-folder (e.g fantastico_setup_low_usage_ubuntu.sh --ipaddress --vhost-name fantastico-framework.com --uwsgi-port 12090 --root-folder \`pwd\` --modules-folder /fantastico/samples) #. Done. It is usually a good idea to change the number of parallel connections supported by your linux kernel: 1. sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf 2. Search for **net.core.somaxconn**. 3. If it does not exist you can add net.core.somaxconn = 8192 to the bottom of the file. 4. Restart the os.