Low usage (simplest scenario)


Above diagram described the simplest scenario for rolling out Fantastico to production. You can use this scenario for minimalistic web applications like:

  • Presentation website
  • Personal website
  • Blog

We usually recommend to start with this deployment scenario and the migrate to more complex scenarios when you application requires it.

Advantages Disadvantages
Extremely easy to deploy Does not scale well for more than couple of requests / second
Minimal os configuration All components are bundled on one node without any failover.
Automatic scripts for configuring the os Does not support vertical scaling out of the box.
Easy to achieve horizontal scaling for all components at once. Static files are not served from a cdn.


  1. Install Fantastico framework on the production machine (Installation manual.).
  3. export ROOT_PASSWD=<your root password>
  4. fantastico_setup_low_usage_<os_distribution) –ipaddress <desired_ip> –vhost-name <desired_vhost> –uwsgi-port <uwsgi port> –root-folder <desired root folder> –modules-folder <desired modules folder> (e.g fantastico_setup_low_usage_ubuntu.sh –ipaddress –vhost-name fantastico-framework.com –uwsgi-port 12090 –root-folder `pwd` –modules-folder /fantastico/samples)
  5. Done.

It is usually a good idea to change the number of parallel connections supported by your linux kernel:

  1. sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
  2. Search for net.core.somaxconn.
  3. If it does not exist you can add net.core.somaxconn = 8192 to the bottom of the file.
  4. Restart the os.